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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/11/2008
June 11, 2008

Meeting opened 7:28 pm.

Lot 2 Wyka Lane – NOI/GNOI (aka 28 Rollins St.)
Present:  John Morin, Neve-Morin; Leanne and Jason Wright

DEP #030-0384.  Applicant submitted green cards.  Meeting opened 7:31 pm.  Property is located at the end of a cul de sac.  Project is portion of dwelling, portion of a barn, small amount of the pavement, and regrading in the buffer zone.  Consultant Mary Rimmer delineated the wetlands for the subdivision.  The septic was installed in 2007.  The grading has not been done yet, therefore the grading for the septic is part of the NOI.  There is existing siltation control at the site, although some will be replaced.  The lot is mostly a field, and there are no mature trees on it to be removed.  

M. Dempsey asked J. Morin why he didn’t just move everything out of 100’ buffer.  J. Morin replied that because they can’t cut into the slope for the driveway and garage.  It would undermine the drainage and have to move drainage for it to work.  The majority is between 50-100’, with the closest area being 40’ for grading.  Structures are 75-75’.  Majority of the pavement is outside the buffer.  The only grading is behind the structure.  M. Dempsey asked what he expected the limit of work?  J. Morin said 10’ above the existing erosion control line.  Marked on both John Morin’s copy and ConCom’s copy where the markers will go.  4 equally spaced granite markers along the 50’ buffer.   Any deck will be kept outside 75’.  T. Schaefer advised them of the seasonal restriction.  M. Dempsey asked what was in the barn.  J. Morin said just for storage, there’ll be no animals and no plans for plumbing.  

M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing and issue a permit with the restrictions, including the erosion controls, markers and positioning of the deck.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  Hearing closed 8:00 pm.  
860 Salem Street – Chesterton  
Present:  Neil Leonard, Linda Loreth

Hearing opened 7:54 pm.  Applicant submitted tear sheets and green cards.  DEP #030-0383.  Project is: maintaining and repairing road drainage structures, including curbing and catch basins, etc., in the existing paved footprint of their parking lot utilizing best storm water management practices, with primary and secondary settling of storm water runoff through catch basins with the objective to remove silt and TSS (Total Suspended Solids).  Replacement of 3 paved culverts with grass to match the surrounding areas, and added a grass filter swail on west side.

N. Leonard showed Commissioners blueprints to show where the project will take place.  East side of building A.  M. Dempsey ask how the system will behave differently from what he has now?  N. Leonard said right now there is no retention for silt or TSS.   Because of the pitch of the driveway, it drains onto pavement and washes into the open swail to the brook.  The proposed catch basins and 3 manholes will catch everything from the roof and parking lot and remove solids from entering Brindle Brook.   

Pavement is breaking up everywhere from age.  The asphalt will be ground and graded to meet any changes in elevations so water will flow toward catch basins and manholes. Parking lot will be repaved with finish material.  The total area will not change.  The number of parking spaces will not change.  Proposed erosion controls proposed are a silt fence.  Commissioners suggested double staked haybales at the bottom of the 3 open culverts just above the stream bank.  Manholes and catch basins will be serviced yearly.  

Because of comments from DEP, the hearing cannot be closed tonight.  M. Dempsey will email Bruce Adams.  Site visit and hearing continuation scheduled June 24, 2008 at 4:30 pm.   Hearing closed 8:28 pm.  
MEC Right of Way – GNOI continued
Present:  Tim Sullivan, ENSR; Joe Krisiak, National Grid Project Manager

Hearing opened 8:30 pm.  Project is the reconstruction of a KV line.  From Johnson’s Pond behind Esty’s, running along an abandoned railroad bed and crosses a few streets.  They are replacing a number of the poles and a conductor.  ConCom held a site visit.  T. Grim’s site visit notations were read.  T. Grim had a suggestion that they hire a ConCom agent for a few hours for a few areas, and to follow up when the job is complete.  He also suggested finding out who own an abandoned flooding eroded driveway area located behind the Whitestone Development and get the situation fixed.  

J. Stewart said there used to be a building behind there where driveway was, perhaps a gun club.  T. Sullivan believes the repair will be easy.  J. Krisiak agreed to hire either ConCom’s consultant, or another 3rd party consultant to monitor the steep embankment, etc.  M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing and issue a permit for work to reconstruct the 23 KV line from King Street substation to Johnson’s Creek.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  Hearing closed 8:36 pm.  T. Sullivan will contact ConCom for a pre-construction meeting with at least a week’s notice.  Closed 8:36 pm.

2 Marion Ave. – cont.
Hearing opened 8:37 pm.  Project is a deck and cement attachment.  Both COCs (house lot and dock) are all signed and will be sent via certified mail.  M. Dempsey did an inspection with C. McKee, Leah Basbanes, and Al Coulliard two weeks ago.  Al Coulliard agreed to put in plantings at the rear of the home, where it slopes down to the river.  M. Dempsey made a motion to approve the permit for a deck and dock abutment at 2 Marion Ave.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  

ConCom Business – Veasey Tree Cutting
M. Camp, caretaker, submitted a proposal for tree cutting at Veasey Park.  M. Dempsey made a motion to approve the tree cutting at Veasey Park as proposed..  T. Schaefer 2nd. All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  

ConCom Business – Minutes
M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the May 14, 2008 minutes as submitted.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  

ConCom Business – Signage
Jim Manganiello is upset with parking at his property near Johnson’s Pond.  C. McKee has offered to pay for the signs.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom agree to the proposal to have C. McKee purchase signs and have Bob Arekalian post them along Center Street stating: No Cut, No Disturb Zone.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  

ConCom Business - Reappointments –
Jim Stewart and Susan Sexton have been reappointed for 3 year terms.

Open Space Committee –
Both ConCom and the Open Space Committee are unanimously agreed to meet together the second Wednesday evening of each month.  At the end of each meeting, committees will inform each other what’s going on to coordinate and work together.  The Open Space Committee identifies natural resources and sometimes purchases property, which would involve the Conservation Commission.  They are also interested in protecting land.    

The Open Space Plan has not been completed.  M. Dempsey submitted a draft Open Space Plan to the Selectmen last December.  Committees discussed possible parcels to purchase.  Consoli sent a letter regarding the Agnes Kelly heirs’ property (6 acres) off Meadow Pond.  M. Dempsey will pursue getting an appraiser line up.  Currently for key properties for sale, there is no mechanism to purchase them quickly.  The current mechanism is 6-12 month.  B. Guptill said some towns appropriate moneys in advance and designate as land acquisitions.  Another option is a land trust, or temporarily purchased and then turned over.  Open Space fund can be committed and sign purchase and sale, and then commit at Town Meeting.  

At the next Town Meeting, we can request from CPC to appropriate 10% fund towards Open Space.  If not, key parcels will slip away from the Town.  Both Committees discussed other possible parcels to pursue.  

M. Dempsey made a motion to close the meeting at 9:32 pm.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Motion passed.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Consultant